Directions for Downloading: Hover your mouse over the links, right click on it, and select “Save Target / Links As” and then save on the desired folder on your computer/laptop.
Sabbath Bible Lesson – Philippine Edition
The Sabbath Bible Lesson of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is published quarterly, solely based on Bible and Spirit of Prophecy without additional comments from the publisher. It is designed as a daily study guide for adults (commonly used during evening or morning worship) and it now available for downloads in Filipino Version:
Tagalog Version
Ilocano Version
Cebuano Version
(Previous Sabbath School Lessons)
Week of Prayer Magazine
The Philippine Edition of the published Reformation Herald used and read during Week of Prayer usually on the first or second week of December, each year. This magazine helps it readers to study and meditate upon the topics based on Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
Fundamental Christian Beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Reform Movement
– Philippine Edition
Not a man-made creed, but rather a valuable resource of solidly documented evidence substantiating the major truths which the Lord has entrusted to the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement body of Christian believers.
* Available in Cebuano Edition